On track again.

Right then readers, it’s another day and the upset of yesterday is behind me. It’s all about getting back on the horse isn’t it? Not that I have been on a horse for over 40 years!

I started the day right with 30g of porridge oats soaked overnight in a Mullerlight yoghurt, topped this morning with a handful of defrosted strawberries. Then after taking J to work (I had booked leave for today) I set off on a walk along a stretch of the old Nottingham Canal.

A really pleasant day for a walk it was too, the sun was out but the day was not too warm so I was quite comfortable as I walked. Starting from Pit Lane in Stapleford, the site of the old colliery I crossed the Nottingham to Sheffield railway and on to the old canal towpath. The first stretch took me to Trowell Garden Centre where it straddles the bed of the canal. Skirting round the centre I eventually met the canal again and set off along the path. At the 0.95 mile point of my walk I reached the M1 motorway where it crosses the A609 at Trowell. Here the canal passes through a culvert and I turned round and headed back. At the 1.3 mile point my knees, which often give me discomfort when walking, started to complain a little, but after a brief rest I carried on until I arrived safely at the car. In total according to my phone app I walked 1.9 miles and burned 675 calories in doing so. Feeling pretty chuffed right now and rightly so I think.

Meal wise the rest of my day looks like this: Lunch – Roasted veg crust less quiche with side salad followed by an apple for dessert. Dinner – Roast Pork(no fat) Slimming World chips and garden peas with 2 slices of wholemeal bread. That will make my whole day a free day on the Extra Easy plan. I may add a scraping of butter to the bread which can come out of my syns as I am adding skimmed milk to my coffee.

Back on track with a vengence now, would be lovely if I could get down to 24st before First Contact day weekend at Easter. But I’m aware that that could be hoping for too much, the idea is to take it steadily and as long as I can now maintain a loss each week then all will be well.

And of course I have to remain focused on my plan, my target is 50 lb loss by 18 July, it is doable still and I still would love your help in meeting my target of fundraising for the CThree Foundation, please encourage me by donating anything you wish at https://www.crowdrise.com/down50forc3 all monies raised will go towards their fantastic work.

Have a grand day


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4 Responses to On track again.

  1. Jubbly says:

    You rock. Well done for not ‘giving’ up. Sounds like a great meal plan.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Looks like you have everything in place. Keep up the amazing pace you have set. Wishing luck on your journey. Sherry


    • janesmouse says:

      Trying to do it right Sherry, just found I was doing it wrong! But I’m not disheartened and by the time we meet up again you won’t recognise me 🙂 I hope all is going well with your efforts too.


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